Posts tagged balenciaga

We are full swing in the Holiday madness and I have to tell you, I'm loving every minute of it! I love the chaos, the parties, the family and heck... I don't even mind the weight gain with all the eating I've been doing.

Holidays are also about wearing transitional pieces. Like this dress right here. Yep, I said it, I consider this a transitional piece. Sure I'm all dolled up in this dark velvet Moi Soli number, but would you believe me if I told you this is actually a lingerie piece?! I didn't think so.

What I wore: Dress: Moi Soli similar style steals HERE and HERE // Fur: Custom by Pavlis Furs similar style steals HERE and HERE // Booties: Phillip Lim similar style steals HERE and HERE  //  Necklace: Jennifer Fishher // Sunnies: Celine similar and on major sale HERE // Clutch: Balenciaga similar HERE

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The crazy thing about blogging, besides constantly being sorta in the public eye via social media and such; is that it actually is a bit like my personal diary. It's nice to sometimes look back and see where I was just a few short years ago when I started documenting my outfits and talking fashion news. Here and there I always sprinkle bits and pieces of my personal life as this is after all MY LIFE!

So perhaps the biggest news of all is.... that YES this IS a baby bump and NO I'm not just sporting a new beer belly!

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