Posts tagged Events

You may have already read the Chicago Suntimes SPLASH feature of my "LE BÉBÉ SPRINKLE" but I wanted to write about all the magical details of this special day myself and share with you some more pictures....duh!

If you've had enough, tough luck! This is after all, somewhat of my personal diary and I'm hoping that one day my BÉBÉ T stumbles upon this post knowing how much she was loved and celebrated even before she physically appeared into this crazy world.

What I wore: Dress: Old buy from EBay remember I wore to my Birthday Party here? similar HEREHERE and HERE // Stoll: NastyGal // Heels: Valentino

On Baby K: Dress: Little Trendsetter similar HERE and HERE // Shoes: Zara sold out similar HERE // Fascinator: Icing

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