Posts tagged Dress Guide

This past weekend was amazing. Weather was gorgeous, it was hubby's and our Thalia's one month Birthday so we literally spent all weekend celebrating!!!

On Sunday we decided to do brunch at one of my favorite spots in the city, Café des Architectes at Sofitel Hotel. It was a gorgeous day to eat al fresco and walk around Gold Coast. A little side note... my family and I are not big brunchers. Actually, I just had this conversation with a few girlfriends last week about how everyone's family dynamic is so different. Some kids and parents sleep in, others wake up super early and want food right away and then there is our clan...we always wake up and head to the gym! Yes, with our kids. My hubby and I are work out's literally our sanity, heck I went back to CorePower Yoga this time a little over two weeks postpartum. We typically either get outside or go downstairs to our home gym, (perks of living in the burbs) and then have a quick smoothie or granola after. Kids are part of that plan. They literally wake up super early and go downstairs to punch the boxing bag, do sit ups, push ups and planks almost every morning before school. You may think we're nuts, but I think it's pretty awesome for my children to learn the importance of fitness early on!

But I digress... click "READ MORE" to get my brunch review and the perfect Mother's Day Shopping Guide with all dresses under $100!!!

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