
Well here I am!!! Nine months pregnant, anxiously waiting for this babe to arrive. I can't begin to explain to you how crazy the last month of pregnancy is. First of all, it totally drags! You start to panic!!! I NEED THIS BABY OUT NOW! So then you google... castor oil, sex, bouncing balls, walking, squats, running (if you can manage), stripping membranes, begging doc for induction... anything to make you feel less of a Humpty Dumpty, especially when you need to be pulled off the couch and pushed out of bed or a car.


I'm totally ready to meet this little babe and start my life as a mother of three...OMG I hope I survive. I've been asked a lot about work, the blog and how I will manage? Well, all I can say is one day at a time. I have no choice but to make it work. I've been known to be quite good at multi-tasking and scheduling... thinking that's the key here. However if I go MIA for a minute, cut me some slack, I'm only human ;) and I surely plan on coming back soon as fashion has always been my first born!


Now let's talk about that for a second. FASHION that is! I made a solid nine months without buying a single maternity item this time around. I'm pretty darn proud of myself. I was really itching for the "DENIM" trend however and fell in love with this Séraphine jumpsuit, (sidetone: I couldn't fit into anything denim and non-maternity at this point).

I love Séraphine, for a maternity site it's super cute and on trend. No wonder so many celebs are obsessed with it. If you're a non-preggo, as always, here are some amazing denim rompers and jumpsuits for you!


I hope and pray labor is easy (send good vibes please), and this babe is as healthy as can be. Chances are my next post will be with babe so stay tuned for updates on the nursery, juggling life post Le Bébé #3, and other fun adventures in #BERKUNStyles world!




What I wore: Jumpsuit: Séraphine similar HERE and cool 70's version HERE // Eye Clutch: SHEin similar HERE and adorable back pack versions HERE and HERE // Pumps: MIU MIU similar and a style steal HERE // Sunnies: Chloé similar style steal options HERE, HERE and HERE // Cuff: Hermés similar style steal version HERE // Earrings: Forever21

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