Helen Berkun

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I know I say this quite a bit but dammit... I'm lucky! Well, that's entirely true. Yes, a lot of it has to do about being at the right place and at the right time. However knowing the right people, working my ass off and well, just freaking chasing my dreams is definitely the way to make things happen!

I was getting so many requests about doing an in person make-up tutorial. So I decided I was going to make it happen, not knowing if anyone would actually show up. I reached out to Winky Lux after going to their Chicago store opening, loving their products and knowing the space was a magical make-up playground I wanted to play in. In less then an hour we sold out and the rest as they say is... HISTORY!

It's really quite a pinch me moment. I'm by no means a make-up artist. I came to America as a pre-teen immigrant, with no money for cool clothes. My old school parents being completely against me wearing any kind of make-up while all the other girls were playing with glosses and mascara. Frankly I was an Ugly Duckling nerd. I actually got teased and bullied constantly for my looks. So I would spend time alone, at home, playing with Wet-N-Wild make-up and well, trying to beautify myself the best way I knew how. Practice makes perfect, right?

It was actually then, that I realized how much clothes and make-up can transform a person. It was then that I started to play with characters and creating my own, so called editorials that lived in my head.

I have so many young impressionable followers living in this crazy digital world. Girls, boys, I was never cool. I didn't always know how to do a lot of things, but I always knew what I wanted. I wanted to create what we now call content. I always wanted and loved fashion and beauty! Even though I was the farthest from the two.

Thank you to all of you for supporting me and allowing me to live my dreams. I encourage you all to do the same. Follow your heart, follow your gut and never stop hustling! You don't live your dreams by dreaming, you make them happen!