_MG_7564It's been a few weeks since I posted anything on the blog. I have to be honest, blogging is major work! I started this little blog as somewhat a journal, a catalogue if you will, of some of my favorite outfits. I've been doing this as far as I can remember, asking people to take pictures of what I'm wearing, and once I heard there was a thing called blogging it took me a while but I finally created a mini blogger platform. I'm not really a full time blogger, I actually have a day job. I'm a fashion photographer, stylist and creative director. That's really what pays my bills and therefore blogging sometimes needs to take a back seat.So, my apologies for taking a mini hiatus, but I have been in Chicago a total of 84 hours in the past three weeks. Sometimes a girl just needs a little break!Today, however is very special. Today is my 35th Birthday! Although at first it may seem narcissistic that I say "Today is special" but let's be honest. Aren't all Birthdays miracles?! Shouldn't we always celebrate the day we were born?! I sure think so. My life is in no way perfect, I have struggles just like anyone else, it's not as glamorous as my instagram posts, and Berkun doesn't always Style! However my life is precious and I acknowledge that each and every day.With age doesn't always come maturity and I chose to never fully grow up, and to always remember to play!_MG_7604_MG_7560_MG_7563_MG_7559_MG_7557_MG_7632_MG_7618_MG_7468_MG_7624_MG_7509_MG_7535

What I Wore: Dress Pixie Market  Sandals: Paul Andrew similar HERE and HERE Sunnies: Le Specs Bag: Balenciaga Cuff: Vintage similar HERE Earrings: T&J


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