Here we go again.... sitting here super late at night wondering what to say. How can I possibly recap an entire year, in one blog post? In case you're new here. I do a recap every year. You can read my previous ones HERE.

This year I'm going to keep things on a lighter note. Because quite frankly 2019 was a rough one yet again. More cancer, which honestly really sucks! I've seen some of my closest family and friends suffer through heartache and financial issues. It felt like 2019 wanted to really kick our asses. Everywhere I turned and everyone I spoke to... it was hard. Really hard. But, perhaps, it's just an end of an era. A challenging end to the decade, so that we can really relish and enjoy what the roaring 20's are bringing our way.


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I decided to do our Holiday Card in the bathroom this year... because if you followed along, you know that BATHROOMGATE took over quite a bit towards the end of 2019. I'm also starting to run out of ideas to keep these babies fresh and current. So... here's a challenge for you. DM me on INSTA and tell me some ideas you have for 2021.



NATAN - aka NaNa started Judo this year. If you know N, you know sports are not his thing. However, he's really loving it. He's also becoming a teenager, which is totally freaking me out. He continues to play the piano and obsesses over technology and all things Elon Musk. He's loving his new drone, DJI Mavic Mini. Obviously I'm definitely counting on him to be my next drone photographer... since I don't have an insta husband! N also still really loves to cook. It's one of the things that keeps both him and I connected during this crazy hormonal teenage stage. He plans on opening his first Chef's Table style restaurant in 2030.


KALISTA - aka KK... What can I say about this feisty little fire cracker. She is currently completely obsessed with dance and music. I mean, everywhere she goes she dances and sings. It's kinda incredible. Today at Target she broke it down in the laundry detergent isle. It was kinda epic! I hope she never loses her spunk, she's fierce and feisty and pretty amazing!


THALIA - aka TaTa, has the most incredible sense of humor. This girl is the sparkle in all of us. I honestly never thought I would have three kids and now I can't possibly imagine my life without her. She's beautiful, dramatic, hilarious and spunky!


MAMA - aka Maz Kanaz... I'm gonna keep things real here. Maybe I'm able to influence you all to buy furniture, clothing, make-up and pick your next vacation destination. However, guys... I struggle with getting my kids to bed on time, brush their teeth, clean their room or do their homework. I always thought I'd be a super cool mom, but apparently... I'm just a mom.


PAPA - aka Dyonia. This badass human right here is my husband. He's awesome and brilliant and loves his long study sessions on the golden throne... cause where else do you get peace and quiet with three kids? This year we got to work a ton on his project in California together. Which was so nice and allowed me to really showcase my interior design skills. He's currently obsessed with training for his first triathlon and is still in love with boats and motorcycles. Hoping to get a bigger boat and a trip to Sturgis to follow!


So here I am. Keeping things light and real. I love my kids, I love my husband, my career and I love my life! There, I said it. Shitty year or not, we are here for the ride and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Stay healthy, happy, safe and loved my friends!