One thing's for sure. My family and I are always on the go.  As much as we love our home and entertaining, we also love to spend weekends, especially Sundays out of the house. Whether it's biking, roaming around the city, exploring zoos, museums, and flea markets. Hubby and I always say that we don't adjust our lives for our kids, our kids just melt into ours!


Being on the go with a three month old also means, an easy stroller + car seat + diaper bag combo! I've been a lover of CYBEX for years now, my oldest Natan had the 'ATON Q' car seat nine years ago and Kalista also transitioned nicely into it. However, the 'ATON Q' got a fancy new make-over. Meet the 'CLOUD Q' that doesn't weigh a ton, (cause mamas we all know how heavy those car seats can be),  plus it has a full recline feature which can be easily used when it’s on the stroller or outside of the car. Think of it as a super cozy egg that you get to sleep in, whilst being in different positions. So amazing!!!


The other day I took my Thalia Sky to Chicago Botanic Gardens. It's honestly one of my favorite places on earth. It's always so gorgeous, especially in the summer when everything is in full bloom. Kalista and Natan didn't want to miss camp that day and so T and I had some special baby + mama bonding time. I can't stress enough how important it is to do a few hours of one on one time with each individual child. T and I had a beautiful day and the best part was I didn't have to worry about taking another stroller, or about her getting all mushed and crammed in the car seat like most. The 'CLOUD Q' is really a savior! When it was time for T's nap, I reclined her down and she zonked out for a few hours while I strolled the gorgeous gardens.






But clearly that's not the only reason I love the  CYBEX Butterfly Collection. Let's just for a second discuss how stylish it is!!! I mean it literally is a fashion girls dream. It's just the right amount of girly, with all it's butterfly details, while still keeping that edge with the killer camouflage print! I'm also obsessed with the leather handle and the extra butterfly you get, that you can place anywhere...nice touch CYBEX, nice touch!




So now that Baby T and I did some one on one and Natan and I had a fun little kids party I took him to. It was time for K to get some love with mama! Kalista is my spirit animal and we are both shopaholic fashion girls at heart, so it was a perfect match when we decided to hit up Randolph Street Market. The market is basically a fancy perfectly curated flea market that takes place last weekend of every month in the summer. Check out the upcoming dates!


K and I scored some insane items but wait, don't judge... I totally put my almost five year old in the stroller. Ok, let's be realistic, kids love to hang with you but going to markets can be totally exhausting. I really wanted to go and spend some one on one time with K, and in all honestly she wanted to go with as well. We love doing EVERYTHING together and so I took the stroller figuring if she didn't wanna ride in it, it will serve great for all the goodies I would pick up!


Well, K loved the stroller, and the PRIAM Lux Seat  is such a good size, that yes she was comfortably chilling in there while I could look around and shop. It was also extremely hot that day, almost 90 degrees with killer humidity, so laying under the canopy and staying hydrated with some strawberry lemonade was definitely K's JAM!



Make sure you check out the CYBEX Butterfly collection and the CYBEX Jeremy Scott collection is insane as well!!!


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